DCS is the first Irish Company to pass the AS4 conformant tests making DCS a leader in delivering openPEPPOL solutions to Public Sector organisations.
The Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 establishing a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules (NC INT) introduced the new data exchange protocol (AS4). Access Points should use the AS4 protocol and format for data exchange and communication purposes.
At DCS we specialise in electronic document management and e-procurement solutions. We help organisations reduce costs by enabling them to migrate from paper documents to electronic transactions. Our products include eInvoicing, Purchase to Pay, epayables, ebilling.
Part of the DCS e-Invoicing platform is an e-Delivery Network which supports the AS4 protocol. The Access Point AS4 communication service is offered in the DCS Cloud Service or as an on-premises solution.
DCS is one of 18 companies globally that are AS4 compliant and is the first Irish Company to do so.
List of eDelivery AS4 conformant Solutions